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Earlier this month, I undertook the long overdue job of changing the window at the studio. The end wall in the window was covered with ancient masonite that would shatter when you hammered a nail into it. It came to the point where it wouldn't hold a nail anymore. So I tore it down, intending to replace the masonit with plywood. But then I saw that there was a brick wall back there. I like it. It wasn't shiny. It couldn't be improved with a new coat of paint. It was just a brick wall. And it suited my mood. I feel like revisiting the things I've done in the past. Going back to the roots, the basics. I'm going to leave the brick wall just like it is, so it can remind me to go back to the bones of my artwork and see if I can feel the spirit of my beginnings. And in that spirit, it is time for the January Basement Sale. Every year, I search through the basement and see what I can dust off and mark down. Check it out! There are some amazing deals!

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